A good friend of mine, Freddy McCrory, recently lost his life in a tragic boating accident. Freddy was a great person, husband, father, friend, and dog trainer. He was 41 years old, had a wife and two beautiful daughters (ages 9 and 3). To read the story of the accident, click here, and here.
For those fortunate enough to know him, Freddy always seemed to know how to make you smile. He never had a bad word to say about anything or anybody, he was just the kind of person that you wanted to have as a friend, but most of all, Freddy loved his family. As a father myself, it breaks my heart to see his wife and children lose their husband and father in this tragedy.
Freddy and his wife, Lydia, were partners in their retriever training business and without Freddy, their source of income is now gone. I want to do what I can to help his family, because I know Lydia and the girls are gonna need some help right now, and I know Freddy would have been there for his friends.
There is a memorial fund already set up at Regions Bank. You can make a donation directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund at any Regions Bank location, or by mail at:
P.O. Box 222
Eupora, MS. 39744
If you feel that you aren't able to donate much, but still want to contribute, then consider buying a raffle ticket or two for $10 each, all of the proceeds will go directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund. Times are tough for everyone right now, but imagine losing your spouse and your only source of income. Two young girls are going to be without a father.
We will be raffling a 12 months supply of Advantage Multi to benefit the memorial fund. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund to help support his family during their time of need. Raffle tickets will be $10 each. You may purchase as many tickets as you would like. Each ticket purchased will get you once chance at 12 doses (1 year supply) of Canine Advantage Multi - Heartworm, Flea, and intestinal parasite prevention (valued at over $200).
Raffle Tickets can be purchased only by mailing your check to:
Freddy McCrory Benefit Raffle
c/o: Brandon Veterinary Clinic
1037 Star Rd.
Brandon, MS. 39042
All Checks should be made payable to: Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund
Drawing to be held on November 3rd
Tickets $10 each
Winner receives 12 doses of Advantage Multi
By making your check out to the memorial fund, you can be sure that 100% of your raffle ticket purchase will go directly to the fund, the checks must be mailed to the vet clinic address, though, to be entered in the drawing. After recording your name and assigning your raffle tickets, the check will then be sent directly to the memorial fund P.O. Box. The winner will be determined by drawing on November 3rd and will be announced here on the blog and on our clinic Facebook page. You do not have to be present to win. If you have other items you'd like to donate to be included in the raffle, please send me an email about it.
Because Advantage Multi is a prescription product, the winner, once notified, must submit a valid prescription (unless the winner is a client of Brandon Veterinary Clinic) in order to claim the product. Once a valid prescription is received, the product will be mailed to you at the address on your check, or you may come by the clinic and pick up your prize in person.
For those fortunate enough to know him, Freddy always seemed to know how to make you smile. He never had a bad word to say about anything or anybody, he was just the kind of person that you wanted to have as a friend, but most of all, Freddy loved his family. As a father myself, it breaks my heart to see his wife and children lose their husband and father in this tragedy.
Freddy and his wife, Lydia, were partners in their retriever training business and without Freddy, their source of income is now gone. I want to do what I can to help his family, because I know Lydia and the girls are gonna need some help right now, and I know Freddy would have been there for his friends.
There is a memorial fund already set up at Regions Bank. You can make a donation directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund at any Regions Bank location, or by mail at:
P.O. Box 222
Eupora, MS. 39744
If you feel that you aren't able to donate much, but still want to contribute, then consider buying a raffle ticket or two for $10 each, all of the proceeds will go directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund. Times are tough for everyone right now, but imagine losing your spouse and your only source of income. Two young girls are going to be without a father.
We will be raffling a 12 months supply of Advantage Multi to benefit the memorial fund. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund to help support his family during their time of need. Raffle tickets will be $10 each. You may purchase as many tickets as you would like. Each ticket purchased will get you once chance at 12 doses (1 year supply) of Canine Advantage Multi - Heartworm, Flea, and intestinal parasite prevention (valued at over $200).
Raffle Tickets can be purchased only by mailing your check to:
Freddy McCrory Benefit Raffle
c/o: Brandon Veterinary Clinic
1037 Star Rd.
Brandon, MS. 39042
All Checks should be made payable to: Freddy McCrory Memorial Fund
Drawing to be held on November 3rd
Tickets $10 each
Winner receives 12 doses of Advantage Multi
By making your check out to the memorial fund, you can be sure that 100% of your raffle ticket purchase will go directly to the fund, the checks must be mailed to the vet clinic address, though, to be entered in the drawing. After recording your name and assigning your raffle tickets, the check will then be sent directly to the memorial fund P.O. Box. The winner will be determined by drawing on November 3rd and will be announced here on the blog and on our clinic Facebook page. You do not have to be present to win. If you have other items you'd like to donate to be included in the raffle, please send me an email about it.
Because Advantage Multi is a prescription product, the winner, once notified, must submit a valid prescription (unless the winner is a client of Brandon Veterinary Clinic) in order to claim the product. Once a valid prescription is received, the product will be mailed to you at the address on your check, or you may come by the clinic and pick up your prize in person.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of Freddy, I didnt know him or his family....but still hits home as my boyfriend is involved in Bass fishing...May I suggest an online auction as a fund raiser for the family. I actually found someone to do a website for me and held one for some friends of mine that were involved in a truck and horse trailer accident in Ohio. I was able to raise 10,000.00. I was able to get items donated throughout the united states. just an idea...and people all over can bid on items....