Hi everyone, I'm "Max" and I'm about 4 years old now. I was too young to remember my parents, but everybody says that my mom was a Rottweiler and my dad was a Labrador Retriever. I'm just a big 'ol teddy bear to my friends that take care of me, though. I'm a big guy, I weigh about 99 pounds and Dr. Watson says I should lose a few pounds; don't tell him I said so, but he should too...haha. I like being outside and playing with my friends, but I also enjoy just hanging out and being lazy; I'm pretty easy going.
So, why am I telling you all about me? Well....everything was going pretty well at my house, my owners loved me a lot and had taken pretty good care of me. But one day, a few months ago, we moved to Brandon, and when we did, my owners took me to their uncle's house, where I lived out in the country, for about a month so they could get the new house ready to live in. While I was at the uncle's, I was staying outside and having a great time, but these little bugs (Dr. Watson said they were ticks) kept biting and attaching to me. Finally, my owners came to get me and found that I was covered in these ticks. They picked 'em off, one by one and told me how sorry they were that they had to leave me there. I was starting to feel kinda sick, too; I was feeling kinda sluggish and my nose kept bleeding. My owner's decided to take me to see Dr. Watson, who diagnosed me with Ehrlichia (Er-lick-ia), and heartworm disease; man, no wonder I felt so bad! Well, long story - short, I've been here at Brandon Veterinary Clinic ever since. Dr. Watson and his staff, have got me feeling a whole lot better, though! Doc said the Ehrlichia is some kind of bacteria-like bug that the ticks gave me, and that it was causing my blood not to clot. They gave me some medicine to get rid of the Ehrlichia, so I'm feeling pretty good, now. They're trying to get rid of my heartworms now, too; Dr. Watson says I'm gonna be just fine!
I really like staying at the clinic, but it gets kinda noisy sometimes and I have to stay in my kennel most of the time, cause everybody's working and I can't just wander around...there's a big dog next to me, right now, that snores all the time. Anyway, they love me here, but I should really find a regular home, so If you or any of your friends know of somebody who would like to take me home and be my new owner, I'll give you a big 'ol lick right across your cheek, or if you prefer, I'll just wag my tail really fast....it'd make me really happy!

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