Obviously, during the summer heat, you may be able to stop digging behavior by providing a cooler environment for the dog. Check out our talk on heat exhaustion for a few tips on summer heat. During the winter, sometimes, dogs will also dig to find warmth and avoid the wind chill. So, likewise, providing a warmer environment for him/her will help deter all those potholes.
What about the dog who just digs, no matter the weather? Try designating a digging area in your yard, maybe even a sandbox or doggy digging bed. You can introduce it to him/her by allowing your dog to watch as you bury a favorite chew toy or chew bone; then just keep his/her focus on that area by continuing to encourage digging in that area. This often works well for many dogs that are very prone to digging.
Some dogs dig just for exercise or out of boredom; guess how to cure that, give 'em what they want. Some types of dogs require more exercise, so find a game they enjoy that requires some exerciese. Playing fetch, or just going for a walk will cure these dogs.
Then, there are those dogs that dig to hunt for critters like moles and voles. This digger is a tough one, there may be no cure for this one, but keeping those pesky varmits out of your yard so there is no critters to dig for may be your best bet.
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